MASCOT I.E. Co., Ltd is a professional provider for specialty chemicals and services. The products include Pharmaceuticals
intermediates, Electronic intermediates (OLED materials), Biocides, Fine chemicals, Industrial chemicals, and Active Pharm aceutical Ingredients .
1.Quality Control
At Mascot, quality starts with the design of the product and the use of quality tools like GC, HPLC, NMM etc.
Cooperated institutes: Nan King University, Fu Dan University, Shanghai Institutes .......
회원 가입일 |
2011/12/13 (년/월/일) |
역할 구분 |
판매상 |
사업형태 |
무역회사 |
설립년도 |
2008 |
총 종업원수 |
11 - 50 |
연간매출 |
USD 10,000,001 - 50,000,000 |
[ 연락처 정보 ] |
회사명 |
Mascot |
주소 |
절강성 상주시 B-802,xingbei Building 391#Tongjiang Road,Changzhou,JS,213022, China (우:213022) 중국 |
전화번호 |
86 - 0519 - 86950363 |
팩스번호 |
86 - 0519 - 86950366 |
홈페이지 |
www.mascot-ie.com |
담당자 |
이송림 / 사원 |
T E L: 86-519-85010363
F A X: 86-519-85010366
Mobile: 155-6766-9898
E - mail: lsl@mascot-ie.com